Development of new nanocomposites reinforced with nanoparticles extracted from native starches , Research by Dr. Fernando Torres and funded by National Science , Technology and Innovation ( CONCYTEC ) .

Although available in different biodegradable plastics market , its scope is restricted mainly to packaging products (plates, bags , trays, etc . ) Due to their limited ( low mechanical strength and low stiffness ) mechanical properties. Different strategies have been used to achieve better properties with biodegradable plastics such as mixing with other synthetic polymers or other materials to reinforce them .

This project seeks to use nanoparticles of starch biodegradable plastics to strengthen and improve its mechanical to expand its scope properties. Starch nanoparticles were obtained from different species native starches (potatoes, root vegetables , mashua goose etc . ) To prepare biodegradable nanocomposites. Will be conducted to characterize the nanoparticles obtained by using atomic force microscopy and properties of biodegradable nanocomposites obtained for potential applications will be evaluated.

The results of investigations by this laboratory in biodegradable plastics (starch , cellulose, chitosan, etc. . ) And nanocomposites of different types will take advantage ( aragonite starch , starch bacterial cellulose , etc. . ) To develop new fully biodegradable nanocomposites.

This project contributes to the development of a new biodegradable reinforced plastics industry in Peru , making the development of clean technologies and encourages the use of synthetic plastics which are petroleum contaminants were replaced .